Usage ===== Before you can use this extension, you need to install the `sphinx-jsondomain `_ Python package and then add the :mod:`sphinxjsondomain` module to :data:`extensions` list in your Sphinx configuration file (:file:``):: extensions = ['sphinxjsondomain'] Then you can use the :rst:dir:`json:object` directive to document your JSON documents. ReStructuredText Usage ---------------------- .. rst:directive:: .. json:object:: Object Name Documents the structure of a JSON document using the name ``Object Name``. The description is referenceable using the :rst:role:`json:object` role. Each property of the JSON document is described using a separate **:property** *[type]* *identifier* **:** *description* Documents the property named *identifier*. The property's type can be specified inline or as a separate ``:proptype:`` option. The type is shown in the rendered output and linked if the type is something recognizable. It is also used to generate sample data, if the ``:showexample:`` option is included. **:proptype** *identifier* **:** *type* Set's the type of the property named *identifier*. This is necessary if you are setting the property type to a hyperlinked value (e.g., :rst:role:`json:object` role instance). **:showexample:** If this option is specified, then the rendered output will contain a generated example. The example data is generated using the Python `fake-factory`_ library. See :ref:`recognized_types` for more details. **:noindex:** Do not include this object in the general index. **:options** *identifier* **:** *option-list* Options are a comma-separated list of values that are rendered in italics after the property's description. The extension does not interpret the option values in any way. .. note:: The ``:options:`` option will be used to in the near future to enable additional functionality such as adding constraints when generating a JSON Schema for types. .. rst:role:: json:object Links to the named :rst:dir:`json:object` directive. .. _recognized_types: Recognized Types ---------------- Types are used for two distinct purposes in this extension. First of all, they are linked to appropriate documentation. Secondly, they are used to generate example snippets if the *:showexample:* option is included. **uri**, **url** links to the relevant IETF RFC that describes URL syntax. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.internet`_. **boolean** links to the definition for the Python :class:`bool` type. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.python`_. **string**, **str** links to the definition for the Python :class:`str` type. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.python`_. **integer**, **int** links to the definition for the Python :class:`int` type. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.python`_. **float**, **number** links to the definition for the Python :class:`float` type. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.python`_. **null** links to the definition for the Python :data:`None` value. **email** links to :rfc:`2822` since it is the formal definition of an email address. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.internet`_. **iso8601** links to :rfc:`3339` since it is a good (and freely available) description of the ISO-8601 format. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.date_time`_. **uuid4** links to :rfc:`4122` since it is the definitive specification for UUIDv4 values. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.misc`_. **md5** links to :rfc:`1321`. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.misc`_. **sha1** links to :rfc:`3174`. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.misc`_. **sha256** links to :rfc:`6234`. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.misc`_. **user_name** links to the defintion for the Python :class:`str` type. Examples are generated using `faker.providers.internet`_. Example Generation ------------------ As mentioned elsewhere, this extensions uses the `fake-factory`_ library to generate sample data. If the "type" of the property is an attribute of a ``faker.Factory`` instance, then the method is called to generate the sample value. Otherwise, the extension will handle integer, float, boolean, string, and :data:`None` values by calling the appropriate faker methods. The other interesting case is the one of embedded objects. If you set the property type to a :rst:role:`json:object` reference, then the documented object is included recursively. Let's look at a simple example. .. code-block:: rst :linenos: .. json:object:: Contact :showexample: :property name preferred_name: contact's preferred name in correspondance :property address: mailing address of contact :proptype address: :json:object:`Address` .. json:object:: Address :showexample: :property street_address street: street address for this location :property city city: city name :property state_abbr state: abbreviated state name :property postalcode zip: postal code for this address And this is the rendered version. Pay particular attention to the handling of the ``address`` property. The property type is specified using the ``:proptype:`` option so that we can use a link to another JSON object (e.g., ``:json:object`Address``` on line 7). The extension recognizes linked objects and embeds an instance of them in the generated example. .. json:object:: Contact :showexample: :property name preferred_name: contact's preferred name in correspondance :property address: mailing address of contact :proptype address: :json:object:`Address` .. json:object:: Address :showexample: :property street_address street: street address for this location :property city city: city name :property state_abbr state: abbreviated state name :property postalcode zip: postal code for this address Index Generation ---------------- :rst:dir:`json:object` directives are added to the general index as children of the ``JSON Objects`` entry. You can inhibit this on a directive-by-directive basis by including the ``:noindex:`` option. .. _fake-factory: .. _faker.providers.date_time: /providers/faker.providers.date_time.html .. _faker.providers.internet: /providers/faker.providers.internet.html .. _faker.providers.misc: /providers/faker.providers.misc.html .. _faker.providers.python: /providers/faker.providers.python.html